Pick up screen

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A pick up screen is a presenter for orders. The screen can both show orders that are ready and orders that are being prepared. You can configure what it will present and also how it will look.

Preparatory work

  • Products (Have products that are sellable)

  • Print groups (To be able to configure your pick up screen)

Navigate to pick up screen configuration

Navigate to the store section under organization

Select an existing store and go to edit on that store to manage its settings.
How to create a new store, see https://leeroy-group.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SKB/pages/661913917


Click on Pick up screen tab in the top
Under this section you can manage your pick up screens behavior and appearance.

Create a new pick up screen

When you have entered the page you will have a list view for your pick up screens. To create a new pick up screen click on New pick up screen.


Give your pick up screen a name and click on create.

The pick up screen is now in the list and you can start forming your appearance.

Edit and deactivate

To edit or deactivate your pick up screen click on the three dots to the right in the list.
To continue set up your pick up screen, chose edit.
To deactivate your pick up screen, chose deactivate.


You will get a warning if you chose to deactivate to ensure that the action is something you want to do. A deactivated pick up screen can be re-enabled.





Configure behaviour and appearance

On the top in the configuration of the pick up screen is the name and activation code that you will use on your device to connect it to the configurations here in Cloud.


Here you also can deactivate and re-enable your pick up screen.






Select orders

The next step is to select the orders that you want to be visible on the pick up screen from your print groups.


You can select all print groups or select a few by check or uncheck the checkboxes.



Design your appearance

Here you chose how your pick up screen will look like in colors and behavior.


Section colors

The default colours are set like this:


Global colors: The whole background in the screen whit the Text color (grey) for the background.
Main section colors: The background for each order block in the screen. Text color (white) for the order numbers.


Here are changes made to illustrate the spaces.


Section behaviour

Next part is handles what you want to name the different parts in the screen.
Main section is the part on the right, that shows the orders that are ready for pick up. You set the name for the section and at which state the order should appear and disappear on this section.

When you chose the header it will appear above the right section:


Next part is the section to the left in your pick up screen, the side section. This is optional and you don't have to use it.
Click on Add side section to configure it.


Here you have the same options as in the main section.
You set the name for the section and at which state the order should appear and disappear on this section.


Here is an example how the header will look and how the orders in preparation will look.

This is the last step to create your pick up screen.


Remember to save your changes.