Chart of accounts

This handles all the accounts that you want to use to map your different groups and types to.
You create accounts with name and account number. 

Table of content

Chart of accounts

Accounting contains several parts and we'll start with Charts of accounts.

Overview chart of accounts

This is what the list of the accounts looks like.
The name, account number and settings for revenue center are shown.
You can sort on the account name in alphabetic order.
If you don't have any accounts yet the list will be empty but the headers will show. 


Edit or remove accounts

To edit or remove an account, click on the three dots on the right of the account in the list.
Edit is the same view as when you create a new account and you can edit all input in that view.

Changing the account number

If you need to change the account number, it’s better if you follow this process;

  1. Create a new Account with the new account number.

  2. Map the new Account where it should be used.

  3. Remove the old Account.

Remove accounts

When choosing to remove you'll get a dialog to ensure the removal is intentional, so an account doesn't get removed by mistake.

Add new account

Create a new account by clicking on the button in the top right corner.

After clicking on Add account you will get a dialog.

You need to add a name and account number for your account.
You also need to select if a Revenue Center should be used or not.
It is recommended to have all accounts have a unique account number.

When adding a name and account the option to create the account is enabled. 

The list is now updated with the new account.