Business customers guide to using the Partner portal

This is a guide on how to sign-up as business customer via the [customers] web pre-order. In this example, we’re using Royales web pre-order and signing up as “Stinas exempelföretag”.

Start page on We pre-order, click “Företagskund” or “Business customer”

Log in or create a Business customer account

Create a Business customer account



You get an email when you have created your account. In this case, the restaurants want to activate your account before you can place an order. Some restaurants give access right away

Logged in as “Stinas exempelföretag”

Upload your employees' phone numbers so that they can get access to offers in the app. You can either type in the numbers or upload a .csv file

Text message sent to new user

NOTE: To be able to to use the offer the restaurant set up, you (and your employees) need to be logged in in the app with the same phone number added to the Partner Portal.