Restaurants guide to using the Partner Portal

If you have our Web pre-order you can also set up a Partner Portal to be able to make or give deals to other businesses, also called Business customers. They can sign up through your Web pre-order, and you can target their employees through offers in the app. All you have to do is enable “Business customer” through Leeroy, and decide whether or not to offer Invoice as a payment option. This is only available for Business customers. If you want Invoice you have to connect with Fortnox, please contact Sales.

NOTE: offers targeted to Business customers only work in the app

What you want to give your Business customers is all up to you. You can use an article, offer or a punch card, and simply set the target group on said offer to the chosen customer! This means only they have access to this communication in the app.

You can also target multiple Business customers.

If you have invoice via Fortnox, you can enable and disable auto-activation of those members. If you want to do, for example a credit check before, you can disable this feature and activate your business customer in Cloud.


Connect Business customer to customer in Tripletex

The account created by the customer in Web pre order needs to be activated in Leeroy Cloud and also be connected to the customer account in Tripletex.

Choose activate in the options for the Business customer. An Internal ID is required and that is found in Tripletex.

Open the business customers information in Tripletex and copy the numbers after customerID in the URL of the customer card. It is important to copy the customerID and NOT the contextID.

It is also important that the customer are set as a customer or customer/supplier and NOT only Supplier in Tripletex.
Several Business customers in Web pre order can be connected to the same customer account in Tripletex by adding the same customerID when activating the customer in Leeroy Cloud.

This is how Business Customer can create an account on your Web pre-order.