Export settings

Generic and specific settings for different accounting exports.

SIE generation*

Default dimension**

Also known as Series name, Voucher series, or Journal series. This is usually specified in your accounting system and is the name for the Series.

Year identifier

Each fiscal year in your accounting system can have its own ID. Some systems require you to specify the ID of the fiscal year in your exports.


Also known as Series ID, Voucher series ID, or Journal series ID. This is the ID of the series your exports will be put in when your accounting system receives or imports the accounting data from Leeroy.

Common IDs are A, K, F, O.


In order for SIE to be generated, you also need to check that a Default revenue center is set under https://leeroy-group.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SKB/pages/661848650


For TripleTex you can use T or TripleTex, for other accounting systems that do not use this, you can enter anything.


*These settings are also used by most other exports and should therefore always be configured.

**These fields are required and will cause your accounting configuration validation to fail when exporting data if left empty.

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