Add your own External payment types

How to

You can now add your own external payment types in Cloud by entering Organization > Settings > External payment types. In that view a new payment type can be created and named to your preference. An external payment type will not have any specific views in the cash register, but will be handled on the receipt. This feature is helpful if your store has a special payment that’s managed manually, e.g. a coupon or gift card option.



After created, you also need to define if the payment type should be accounted for in Leeroy’s book keeping system, or if you want it to be accounted for completely external. The account setting is done by finding it in the list of all the available payment types in Cloud underneath Organization > Store > Accounting > Payment types. There you can edit the new payment and toggle on Accountable and choose preferred account.


Add to MPOS

To get the payment type appearing in the mPOS you then switch to Organization > Store > POS devices. Under each POS you can now choose which payment methods should be available for that device!