Print groups

Table of content

Find Groups form

  1. Select groups form under the Product management section in the side menu

Overview Print groups

The first view shows the print groups you already have created. If you don't have any added yet this list would be empty.

The list shows the print groups name only.
You can also search for a specific print group by typing in the search field above the list.

Edit and remove

Each print group in the list has some options. Click on the three dots on the right in the list top open the options.

You can edit a print group and when choosing this option you will be redirected to the same form as when you create a new. You can edit all fields.
You can delete a print group by clicking on that option.

You will have to confirm your choice so a print group don't get deleted by mistake.

Print groups

  1. The next tab handles Print groups

    Print groups handles which KDS your products will appear on in that group 

  2. Start by clicking  on create group

  3. Give you print group a name 

  4. Save your print group to make it usable