Revenue centers

In this section you can add and edit your revenue center(s) and add cost center(s).

Table of content

Overview revenue center


 Select Revenue centers under Organization section in the side menu


The first view shows the revenue centers you already have added.  If you don't have any added yet this list would be empty.

The list shows the name of the revenue center and the cost center attached to it.

Search for revenue center

You can also search for a specific revenue center by typing in the search field above the list. 

Edit Revenue center

You can edit your revenue centers by clicking on the three dots to the right in the list.

You can change name and cost center in the dialog that shows after you clicked edit.
It's the same options to edit as the input when you create a new revenue center.
The save button is enabled when you have done a change.

Create new Revenue center

Click on the create option in the top right corner to create a new revenue center

To create a new revenue center add a name and a cost center. When you have filled in at least the name you can save your revenue center. 

The new revenue center appears in the list on the overview.