Push notifications FAQ

There are two types of push notices, one type is from order flow and the other one from communications.

Push notices from the order flow send when the kitchen staff declares to the KDS that the order is ready to be picked up. The other type of push notification is sent out together with communications.


Push notifications from communications

Were can I send a push notice?

You can send a push together with all communications except promo codes since they don't have any target groups.


When will my push be sent out?

The push starts to be sent out at the start date of the communication. If you publish a communication with a push the same day as is it is supposed to start, the push is sent out as soon as possible.
The system has a script that checks for new pushes every 15 minutes and sends them after they been discovered.

Why does it take so long time for me to get my push when my friend has got it already?

It takes time for the system to send it out to everyone if you e.g. send it out to all customers/app user. That means that everyone does not get it at the exact same time, they are portioned out over time. It can also depend on the operations system on your phone.


If I create an offer with push notice late at night and press publish, will the push go out directly?

To not disturb your customers we only start the script to send push notices between 08.00-20.00 (8 am-8 pm). Some pushes may come a bit later than 20.00 if it is many people on the list.


Can I send a push more than one time from my communication

No, the pushes are constructed to only be sent out one time per communication.


I didn't create a push when I published my offer, but I like to send one now, can I do that?

Yes, you can go back to your offer/communication, enter your message and press save. Then the push notification should be sent out (as soon as possible if the offer is already active).


Who will get my push?

All users in the target group you selected for your communication will get the push, except those who have declined pushes on their mobile devices.


Can I reach unverified app users?

All app users who have said “YES” to receive push notices in the app will receive a push if you have targeted “everyone” with your communication. They can even read Articles, even if they are not members yet.


Can I send push notifications without a communication (any type of offer or article)?

No, we have no separate feature for that.


Can I decide what time my push should go out?

No, we don't have a feature for that at the moment.